Paul Wisotzky is a studio potter and educator. He makes pottery for every day use. Paul strives to make each piece a pleasure to hold and behold whether it’s a treasured mug for the first cup of coffee, a bowl for ice cream or a vase for flowers to brighten any room. Paul works in porcelain and stoneware and fires in reduction or soda atmospheres at his Blueberry Lane Pottery Studio in Truro, Massachusetts.
Paul teaches at the Harvard University Ceramics Program and Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill in Truro, Massachusetts. Residencies include Penland School of Craft, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts and Red Lodge Clay Center. Paul is a co-producer of SodaPosium, a national educational gathering of potters and artists enthused about soda firing.
Paul digitally designs and fabricates sponge stamps that are used in the ceramic decorating process. This process was featured in Ceramics Monthly magazine as well as an instructional video available on CLAYFlicks. Paul uses the stanmps to decorate his own work and teaches workshops on how to make and use them. They are available for purchase here.